Membership Terms and Conditions

The Waimairi Toy Library operates based on the information contained in the Information Sheet.  The following is a brief overview of the main terms and conditions of your membership with the Waimairi Toy Library.  Please refer to our FAQ page for further details.  These terms and conditions are subject to change.

  • Privacy Act:  I understand that these details will be added to the Toy Library membership list and used only by the Committee for Toy Library business, including published rosters.
  • It is our responsibility to take all reasonable measures in ensuring all our toys are maintained in a good condition such that they are safe to use.
  • It is a member’s responsibility to ensure toys borrowed are played with as intended and members must supervise and protect those under the appropriate age for the toy whilst the toy is in use. To reduce risk of injury, we recommend helmets be used with all bikes and trikes. It is also the member’s responsibility to report any incidences that occur whilst using the toy.
  • Members must ensure rostered duties are covered by themselves, family/friends, or a duty for hire person.
  • Families expecting a baby are extended the courtesy of a three month hiatus from the roster around the due date of their baby.  For members wishing to take advantage of this they must advise a committee member by 1st December (for the roster covering February to mid May), 31st March (for the roster covering mid May to the end of August) or  15th July (for the roster covering late August to early December).
  • In the event of resigning your membership from the toy library, you need to give four (4) weeks notice in writing to the secretary (PO Box 20301 or email [email protected]).  During this period you are still responsible for your rostered duties.
  • Members must ring the Toy Library answer phone within 48 hours of hiring a toy that you discover has missing and/or broken pieces.  Failure to do so may result in charges being applied subject to the policy contained in the information sheet.
  • Upon resignation or termination of membership, members must ensure all toys are returned to the toy library. Failure to do so is considered to be theft.