As many of you may be aware, we had our AGM early last month. While many of the committee from last year remains we were so lucky to welcome two new members onto our committee to help keep our fantastic toy library running. Our committee now consists of:
● Vicki Lynch – Chairperson
● Jen Orange – Secretary
● Paula Kinraid – Treasurer
● Fabiana Preston – Fundraising
● Frances Blundell – Grants Officer
● Robert Lane – Grants Officer
● Livvy Moody – Packaging
● Rachel Short – Packaging
It has been lovely to see so many of you in our new premises, the Burnside School Hall. We are getting used to the new set up, issuing and pack up routines. Don’t forget that many of our larger dolls houses, large block sets and baby toys are in the shipping container with the ride on and playing house toys. Smaller toys are housed in the hall in our room on the stage.
With the school holidays approaching it is a good time to come in and stock up on new toys so keep your little ones happy and busy.
We are closed on Easter Saturday and ANZAC Day, which will mean that we are closed for 2 consecutive sessions. Annabel will start to stagger return dates from next week to take this into account.

Thank you to all of our members who have rostered themselves to do a duty so far this year. Your help is really appreciated. We couldn’t run sessions without our wonderful members who help by counting and returning toys. You are expected to do one duty per term/roster period. If you haven’t done this please see or email Annabel to organise a date.
It has been wonderful to welcome a few new families to our Waimairi Toy Library Family this year. Please keep spreading the word about our wonderful resource as we always need to increase membership. Word of mouth is our best resource, so if you know anyone who might be interested in joining please talk with them and even invite them to come and take a look at the library with you.
We are hoping to do some fundraising next term, so please keep an eye on your inboxes for more information.
If you haven’t done so already, then please like us on Facebook. We post photos of new toys and announcements and it is a great way to communicate with our members and for our members to know what is going on at our toy library.
Thank you all so much for supporting our toy library.